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Galliformes and other animals for South America (продолжение)

JOrnitho: Hello! I'm back with ideas for some new species for South America. I found in my computer an archive with some ideas for fauna and flora that I had some time ago and decided to show there to ask your opinion about them. The first is about a descendant of the domestic chicken. [more]Copper jacumitan (Jacumita cuprinus) During the Holocene, the man introduced many species in other continents. The jacumitan is a descendant of domestic chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) that are introduced in South America. It replaced the birds in the family Cracidae, which are extinct in the Neocene, in some areas. In a matter of fact, the name jacumitan is the junction of the words jacu, the popular name in Brazil for guans of the Genus Penelope, and the tupi word mitã (mitan) that means new, this way the name means “new guan”. The copper jacumitan is the type species of this genus and lives in the savannas and woodlands of Central South America. The copper jacumitan is sexually dysmorphic. The male measure 190 cm, due to the long tail, it has a bright coppery brown upperbody plumage and reddish-brown feathers below. They also have metallic dark green feathers on the tail and wings. Only males have a bright red naked skin on the face, with two wattles that conceal the sides of its head. This characteristic is shared by all males of the genus Jacumita. The males of the genus also have crests formed by white feathers with black tips. During courtship and panic moments, they rise the crests. The females have 75 cm of length and are cryptic brown and adapted to camouflage, its naked skin on the face is pale pink and don’t have flesh wattles. The young males are similar to the females until they reach 9 weeks, at this time the wattle begin to develop. Both sexes have long orange colored legs and grey beak. The males have spurs that they use in fights for dominance. The neck is long and slim. Copper jacumitans can fly, but prefer to run from the predators flying only as last resort. These birds are omnivorous and feed on insects, seeds, and fruits. Its forage for food by scratching the ground, usually near herbivores this way there is other animals observing for the presence of predators. Often the male sits on a high perch, to serve as a lookout for his group. He sounds an alarm call if predators are nearby. At night it will sleep perched on branches. Copper jacumitans are polygamous; the male will have a harem with 5 to 12 females and will guards the area where his females are nesting, and attack other males that enter his territory. To initiate courting, the males will dance in a circle around or near a female, raising their crests and lowering the wing which is closest to the hen. Then, he will vocalize and when she responds to his call, the male will mount her and proceed with the mating. The females make their nest in the ground, laying 6 to 14 red eggs which are incubated for 22 days. Chicks are precocious, leaving the nest shortly they are born. They fledge in about 4 to 5 weeks, and at 13 weeks old are chased out of the group by their mother, at which point the young males start to form a harem and the females join an existing one. Sexual maturity is reached at 6 months and the lifespan of this species is of 13 years, however is common for males to die early due to predation. Other species in the genus Jacumita are: Golden jacumitan (Jacumita aurea) Living in the forests of the Atlantic coast of South America, the males of this species has 200 cm of length, from beak to tail, while the females have 83 cm. The plumage of the male have a bright golden-yellow plumage in the upperparts, being scarlet in the chest and belly. They have dark metallic green wing feathers and tail while the female is cryptic brown. Red jacumitan (Jacumita amazonica) Living in the "terra firme" forests of the Amazon , the males of this species has 185 cm of length, from beak to tail, while females have 70 cm. The plumage of male is bright orange-red in the upperparts, while their chest and belly is yellow. The males also have dark metallic blue wing feathers and tail while the female is cryptic brown. Andean jacumitan (Jacumita andina) Living in the highland forests in the slopes of the Andes, the males of this species has 170 cm of length, from beak to tail, while females have 68 cm. The plumage of the males is white in the upperparts and yellowish-red in the belly and chest. The males also have dark metallic blue wing feathers and tail while the female is cryptic brown. This other one is about a descendant of the californian quail: Common austral grouse (Tetraoinus australis) During the Holocene, the man introduced many exotic species different habitats, the ancestor of the austral grouse was one of these species. Their ancestor was not a true grouse, but the Californian quail, due to evolutionary convergence they acquired characteristics similar to the true grouses of North America. Living in the forests of Southern South America, the male austral grouse are 55 cm long and the female have 44 cm of length. The male have a dark grey body plumage, black-and-white bridled head pattern, black back and a greyish-blue belly. They have a curving crest or plume, made of six feathers that droops forward (long and black in males /short and brown in females) and long forked blackish tail with white undertail coverts. Females and immature birds are mainly greyish-brown with a light-brown belly. Both sexes have a black bill and relatively long grey legs. Their diet consists mainly of seeds and leaves, but they also eat some berries and insects. In some regions their main source of food are the seeds of trees of the Genus Araucaria. These birds are not elegant fliers, however they sleep perched in branches. Given a choice, they will normally escape on foot. During the courtship, the male austral grouse do displays on a lek, each male have a “personal space”. The males strut around their chose space, doing a display. The display consists of the male posturing himself with the head near the ground. Then, they start to move it from right to left showing their crests, simultaneously they raising the tail feathers, showing their withe undertail coverts. After that, they will raise their heads abruptly and whilst make a highly distinctive mating call. When another male invade the personal space of other, a fight happens, in this case the male will try to take of the crest of the rival, this way they will not be capable to display for the females. The female usually lays approximately 12 spotted eggs. The nest is a shallow scrape lined with vegetation on the ground. Incubation lasts from 21–25 days, usually performed by the female and rarely by the male. The chicks are precocial, leaving the nest with their parents within hours of hatching. The male stay with the female until the young leave, with 3 months. The young reach sexual maturity with 1 year, with this age the young males acquire the coloration of an adult male. Their lifespan is of 27 years. In the forests of Tierra del Fuego another species lives, the Black boreal grouse (Tetraoinus nigrus). Their main difference to the other species is that the males have an all-black plumage, with only a faint shade of blue in the chest and brown undertail coverts. The females are similar to that of the common austral grouse. The males have 52 cm and the females 41 cm.[/more] I also have in this archive some names for possible species that I never developed bayond some few facts. Maybe someone could help me make their descriptions.

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JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: I think it won't be, because we have invasive small indian moongooses and raccoons at South America. They won't let this niche to opossums. I don’t think that the raccoon are imune to the snakes venom. Would the small Indian moongoose even reach the continent? I was thinking that this marsupial mangoose would live in the Atlantic forests, with another species in Cerrado. I would not lie, it would be cool if the mangoose were able to reach there. wovoka пишет: North American opossums (Didelphis virginiana) eating rattlesnakes, cottonmouths and vipers. They have complete immunity to the venom of these snakes. Didelphis aurita can also eat serpents, including the Crotalus. They are tolerant to the venom. wovoka пишет: the tapiryaura eats turtles, well, she bit the shell with her jaws, then what, she doesn’t chew the turtle along with the shell, how does she pick out the meat? I thought that they would eat them like the crocodiles. The Tapiraiauara would catch the turtle, them crush the shell to have access to the meat inside it.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: I thought that they would eat them like the crocodiles. The Tapiraiauara would catch the turtle, them crush the shell to have access to the meat inside it. I understand! So what do you think about add Didelphis marsupialis to the chapter of Maracaibo, he'll be eating water rattlesnakes in the Gulf and became like water opossum (yapok) and call him Parana-aware (sea opossum in carib)? And let choose some fishes for the Gulf from the list of Venezuela fishes https://fishbase.mnhn.fr/country/CountryChecklist.php?showAll=yes&what=list&trpp=50&c_code=862&cpresence=Reported&sortby=alpha2&ext_CL=on&ext_pic=on&vhabitat=fresh

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: So what do you think about add Didelphis marsupialis to the chapter of Maracaibo, he'll be eating water rattlesnakes in the Gulf and became like water opossum (yapok) and call him Parana-aware (sea opossum in carib)? This is good idea! It could be a subfamily of opossums that became mongoose-like and specialized in hunting vipers. We could have an aquatic genus while the others are terrestrial. I was thinking about what лягушка said, and perhaps the mangoose could enter in South America. It would need to happen through oceanic dispersal, with the mongoose moving from the islands to the continent. It's a possibility during the Ice Age, with the sea level being low. With time, these moongose could spread through coastal forests and later the Cerrado, taking the niche of a hunter of venomous serpents and arthropods (Scorpions, centipedes and spiders). It could also be a subfamily, with an aquatic one hunting water rattlesnakes in the Gulf (perhaps even vagrants of sea serpents) and being like Atilax paludinosus, while the rest of the animals would be more like traditional mongooses, perhaps better in climbing trees to hunt vipers living there. Of course, they would eat the occasional bird, lizard, rodent and more rarely sweet fruits. Maybe there is an Amazonian species that can even eat venomous frogs. Do you think that the mongoose dispersion could happen this way? We could use them rather than the opossum. An interesting name for both mongoose and opossum would be Tymbacarumboi. It's formed by three words of Guarani language: Tymba-Animal, Caru-eat, Mboi-snake. The animal that eat snakes.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: And let choose some fishes for the Gulf from the list of Venezuela fishes https://fishbase.mnhn.fr/country/CountryChecklist.php?showAll=yes&what=list&trpp=50&c_code=862&cpresence=Reported&sortby=alpha2&ext_CL=on&ext_pic=on&vhabitat=fresh I think that we could use the Abramites hypselonotus, Hydrolycus tatauaia, Ageneiosus magoi and Paracheirodon axelrodi.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: This is good idea! It could be a subfamily of opossums that became mongoose-like and specialized in hunting vipers. We could have an aquatic genus while the others are terrestrial. I was thinking about what лягушка said, and perhaps the mangoose could enter in South America. It would need to happen through oceanic dispersal, with the mongoose moving from the islands to the continent. It's a possibility during the Ice Age, with the sea level being low. With time, these moongose could spread through coastal forests and later the Cerrado, taking the niche of a hunter of venomous serpents and arthropods (Scorpions, centipedes and spiders). It could also be a subfamily, with an aquatic one hunting water rattlesnakes in the Gulf (perhaps even vagrants of sea serpents) and being like Atilax paludinosus, while the rest of the animals would be more like traditional mongooses, perhaps better in climbing trees to hunt vipers living there. Of course, they would eat the occasional bird, lizard, rodent and more rarely sweet fruits. Maybe there is an Amazonian species that can even eat venomous frogs. Do you think that the mongoose dispersion could happen this way? We could use them rather than the opossum. An interesting name for both mongoose and opossum would be Tymbacarumboi. It's formed by three words of Guarani language: Tymba-Animal, Caru-eat, Mboi-snake. The animal that eat snakes. This all is good idea, but whom we are settling to the Gulf: aquatic opossum or aquatic mongoose? I preffer opossum. JOrnitho пишет: I think that we could use the Abramites hypselonotus, Hydrolycus tatauaia, Ageneiosus magoi and Paracheirodon axelrodi. Good choise! Will you describe them!

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: This all is good idea, but whom we are settling to the Gulf: aquatic opossum or aquatic mongoose? I preffer opossum. What do you think if we have the water opossum living in the Maracaibo gulf and the mongoose being located in the other areas of South America (South America, Amazon and Cerrado)?

лягушка: JOrnitho water opossum Marsiupals can't be semi-aquatic animals because their bag need to be winded up, and embryo can't breath underwater.

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: Marsiupals can't be semi-aquatic animals because their bag need to be winded up, and embryo can't breath underwater. Well, South America already have a semi-aquatic marsupial: Chironectes minimus (click here) There is also the genus Lutreolina (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lutreolina), which can occasionally be semi-aquatic.

wovoka: Have you head about Chironectes minimus?

лягушка: JOrnitho, wovoka No, I haven't. I'm not good at marsiupals.

wovoka: Even kangaroo and koala can swim https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK8_090B9nY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etcmrKwvAok That's why can be periods they can live a semi-aquatic lifestyle.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: What do you think if we have the water opossum living in the Maracaibo gulf and the mongoose being located in the other areas of South America (South America, Amazon and Cerrado)? Ok! Will you describe the Maracaibo fishes?

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Will you describe the Maracaibo fishes? Yes, I'll work on it! Any suggestion for new characteristics for these fishes?

лягушка: JOrnitho What fishes? But i have ideas - toxic catfish, monkfish-like one and own species of characin pike in this lake.

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: What fishes? But i have ideas - toxic catfish, monkfish-like one and own species of characin pike in this lake. These fishes: Abramites hypselonotus, Hydrolycus tatauaia, Ageneiosus magoi and Paracheirodon axelrodi.

лягушка: JOrnitho Abramites hypselonotus I don't know what we can do with "headstanders". I thing that they are not interesting and haven't big evolutionary potential because of concurention with other animals in this niche. Hydrolycus tatauaia They're already specialised and might not have significant changes in neocene. only if they survive. Ageneiosus magoi This fish can evolve at ~150 cm long pelagic opportunistic predator thet slighty resemble shark on its appearence. Paracheirodon axelrodi What we can do with them? I have no idea.

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: I don't know what we can do with "headstanders". I thing that they are not interesting and haven't big evolutionary potential because of concurention with other animals in this niche. What do you think if we replace it with a Cichlidae (maybe Acaronia) and turns it into an analogue to the archerfish (Toxotes)? лягушка пишет: They're already specialised and might not have significant changes in neocene. only if they survive Maybe replace them with Acestrorhynchus nasutus or another smaller representative of the same genus and turn it into a predator like the pike (Esox) or tigerfish (Hydrocynus)? It could jump to catch birds while they fly. лягушка пишет: This fish can evolve at ~150 cm long pelagic opportunistic predator thet slighty resemble shark on its appearence. I like it! лягушка пишет: What we can do with them? I have no idea. They could be schooling fishes of the chapter, with males being more colorful than the females.

лягушка: JOrnitho What do you think if we replace it with a Cichlidae I don't think it is good idea, because headstanders aren't endangered and rather ecologicacally flexible. archerfish (Toxotes) i think archerfish-like cichlid is unusual'but not impossible! I think it is good idea! Maybe replace them with Acestrorhynchus nasutus or another smaller representative of the same genus and turn it into a predator like the pike (Esox) or tigerfish (Hydrocynus)? It could jump to catch birds while they fly. I think replacement of dogtooth tetras by asterorhynchids is realistic idea. But also it can be characin pike-like lebiasinids in the lake. They could be schooling fishes of the chapter, with males being more colorful than the females. Good idea!

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: I think replacement of dogtooth tetras by asterorhynchids is realistic idea. But also it can be characin pike-like lebiasinids in the lake. Perhaps the asterorhynchids are located on the nearby rivers. wovoka Do you think that the ancestor of the aquatic opossum could be the Lutreolina? They already have occasional semiaquatic tendencies and also eat serpents. I also thought that it could have some relatives in the fast running rivers in montainous areas of the Atlantic forests, this way not competing with otterodents.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: Do you think that the ancestor of the aquatic opossum could be the Lutreolina? Ок! I'll try to finish the description of water rattlesnake tomorrow!

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