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Chapter Ideas

Биолог: A collection of new chapter ideas proposed by foreign members in English. These are already present, thanks to JOrnitho: 1. Easter Island - bestiary 2. Fernando de Noronha - bestiary 3. Marvellous Forest - about Atlantic forest - bestiary 4. A Trip across Highland - about a trip of Andean antelope, bestiary 5. A War for the Hollow - about a "war" against killer bees in South America, bestiary 6. Andaman and Nicobar islands - bestiary 7. A Stone Condominimum - about a sociable hornero and its parasites and enemies, bestiary

Ответов - 138, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All

лягушка: It can be, but it was 20my before neocene,so fauna diverged and become different.

лягушка: It's floodmap, -250 m of sea level. I think that is enough. So, we can see that Nicobar, Andaman and continent aren't connected.

медведь: Then I think it will be populated only by those organisms that can cross that strait, whatever narrow it would be.

лягушка: ...And also with birds (they can fly) and animals that was moved to isles by humans.

медведь: Yes!

Биолог: лягушка Nice map, but does it really match the Author's idea of the cataclysms? According to this, the Antilean bridge could not exist, and the Cuban fauna we have is wrong.

лягушка: ...yes. But I thought that antillean bridge is a resiult of tectonic process - subduction pushed isles northbound and formed new volcanic isle rim, so land bridge begun to exist. In the south of continent Caribbean sea still exists, having islands of various sizes and separated from ocean by the chain of large islands. Some small islands known in human epoch had disappeared completely (for example, Florida Keys islands), and others united and turned larger due to volcanic activity and movement of small litospheric plates. Also in Caribbean sea new islands have appeared also. In addition, as a result of displacement of litospheric plate of North America, its narrow southern part, Central America, now is directed to waters of Caribbean sea, having made it even shallower Yeah, because of tectonics Caribbean became shallower and Antollean bridge became ableto form. It's -400meters. Strait is still exist, butit's weery narrow. Strait between Andaman and Nicobar is mauch wider. Cuba also remained island, but around it appeared a lot of narrov shallow straits and flat small islands.

JOrnitho: I had an idea for a chapter following the grat aglomeration of fruit bats in Central Africa to feed in the fruits here, like how the straw-coloured fruit bats (Eidolon helvum) do in the Holocene. Besides following the bats, the chapter could follow the local fauna and the predators of these flying mammals, such as birds of prey and the Olitiau.

лягушка: JOrnitho I like this idea. Bats are interesting animals!

JOrnitho: Does the project already have a species of megabat that could be the migratory one in this chapter? Or a new one should be made for it?

JOrnitho: My idea for the chapter about the migration of megabats in Africa: Title:Forest under the shadow of thousands wings Red-collared fruit bats from several regions of Africa start to congregate in a large flock at the marsh forests of Central Africa with the purpose of feeding in the banquet of fruits that will be disponible during the next three months. Their arrival attracts predators such as the olitiau. While the sky is take by these flying mammals, the ground of the forest is the realm of the owuo. Species featured: Red-collared fruit bat (Neoeidolon rubrocollaris), Olitiau or Great demon bat (Diablopteron olitiau), Owuo (Deinonandinia owuo) Which other animals do you think that could appear in this chapter? Besides the fruit bats, I think some species of monkeys could eat the fruits. Some birds of prey could also appear as local predators of these flying mammals.

лягушка: I think we need more species - not only bats. But I love this idea! Owuo Who is it? It's yоur species or someone from project's beastiary?

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: Who is it? It's yоur species or someone from project's beastiary? It's from the bestiary. The description is in Russian, but I found information about it in the Index. I thought that it could fit in the chapter.

wovoka: JOrnitho, let's make a list of chapters we decided to wright. 1. "Maracaibo: The lake that become a gulf" & 2. "Maracaibo: Catatumbo lightning". 3. "The howling microwolves". 4. "Migrating fish-eating bats of Caribbean sea". 5. "Thickets of predatory tomato". 6. "The Wild Orchard" (about land Zinj) 6. ""Stormy waters". (about Lake General Carrera). 7. "Salt lake Mar Chiquita". (we need good name for this chapter). 8. "Fagnano Lake" (we also need good name for this chapter). 9. "The monkeys friendship" (about South Panama) 10. "Common Home in the Land of Giant Pyramides" (about symbiosis of termites and ants in Brazilian Cerrado). 11. "The ant gardens in sacred city" - the bestiary in Russian here - https://sivatherium.borda.ru/?1-6-1685352794425-00000302-000-10001-0#038 12. I need your help with chapter about "Glowing Carlsbad Caverns": the idea http://sivatherium.borda.ru/?1-3-1685353572519-00000057-000-10001-0#015 , the bestiary http://sivatherium.borda.ru/?1-6-1597164034682-00000266-000-20-0#009 (but we need to make different bestiary). 13. And we wanted to do something on the base of this article https://sci-hub.ru/https://doi.org/10.1646/0006-3606(2002)034[0446:MABATA]2.0.CO;2 May be you also have ideas of the chapters that are still not included in the list?

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: May be you also have ideas of the chapters that are still not included in the list? I thought that we could have a chapter about the lowland forests of Southeastern Brazil (Mata Atlântica of Rio de Janeiro) and another could be about the humid relict forests (called brejos de altitude in Brazil) of Northeastern South America. These forests are surrounded by arid regions and full of endemic plants and animals.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: chapter about the lowland forests of Southeastern Brazil (Mata Atlântica of Rio de Janeiro) The chapter Marvellous Forest - about Atlantic forest - is about this is region or about another? JOrnitho пишет: I thought that we could have a chapter about the lowland forests of Southeastern Brazil (Mata Atlântica of Rio de Janeiro) and another could be about the humid relict forests (called brejos de altitude in Brazil) of Northeastern South America. These forests are surrounded by arid regions and full of endemic plants and animals. It is interesting! But unfortunanetly I know nothing about flora and fauna of these two regions, so propose your bestiary and I try to think how to evolve these creatures or about the forms of there simbiosis. Or give me some links (even in portugal language, I'll use google-translator) about biodiversity of these regions. And I also want to wright a chapter about Amazonian region using your animals: I'll call it "Black bee-hunter" or something like that. 1. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/enmammal.htm#manducomellifer_niger_en 2. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/enbirds.htm#apiphagus_caeruleus_en 3. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/enbirds.htm#crassirhynchus_apiphagus_en 4. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/enintert.htm#apis_tetrafasciata_en 5. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/inverteb.htm#solenopsis_supai_ru - description in russian 6. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrciaria_dubia - and I will describe this plant (Call it Saitaperan the name of Myrciaria floribunda in carib language 7. Mob hunting hawks Rupornis magnirostris. In carib language - Pinàwe. 8. Deroptyus accipitrinus - anakapyja in carib [or anakasira in Surinamese dialect of carib. May be you have propositions for someone else for this chapter? I've already have a fragment in Russian, they were written for the chapter you have translated http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/2inselva.htm but they wasn't included there. За несколько километров отсюда рядышком живут более крупные семьи амазонских пчелоядных танагр (14 птиц) и толстоклювых каракар (6 птиц). Одна из танагр нашла огромное пчелиное гнездо и запела на всю сельву призывную песню. На ее зов откликнулись не только ее сородичи, но и их соседи толстоклювые каракары. И, как оказалось, внедалеке отдыхал черный ягуапе. Услышав приятную его слуху песнь, он сладко потянулся и сломя голову помчался на птичий зов. Танагры и каракары только и ждали появления своего главного соратника по пчелиной охоте. Самец ягуапе залез на дерево и сунул лапу в дупло, когда он ее вытащил с нее начал стекать сладчайший мёд. Ягуапе облизал лапу и полез за добавкой. Тысячи пчёл вылетели из дупла и стали жалить ягуапе во все части тела, и в первую очередь в морду. Но тут-то и пригодились ягуапе его помощники: танагры и каракары, которые хватали и хватали сотни пчел. Ягуапе добрался до пчелиного расплода и с не меньшим удовольствием, с каким он поедал мёд, он стал поедать пчелиных личинок. Много личинок падало на землю, но танагры обожавшие это лакомство, стали ловить их на лету. Разорение крупного пчелиного гнезда продолжалось около 15 минут. За это время огромная пчелиная семья была почти полностью уничтожена, но, на удивление, пчелиная царица выжила и это даёт надежду на то, что пчелиная колония со временем возродится. За всей этой сценой наблюдала самка ильяпа, и когда она увидела, что молодая каракара отлетела от стаи, и села на ветку дерева, чтобы перекусить пойманной пчелой, в этот момент самка ильяпа подлетела к ней и как заправская киллерша убила птицу ударом в голову и отправилась к своему гнезду, чтобы накормить своих вечно голодных птенцов. Другие птицы, испугавшись хищника, разлетелись во все стороны, и лишь довольный от сытости ягуапе спокойно слез с дерева и отправился к своему логову, чтобы погрузиться в сладкий, как мёд, сон. А по земле под деревом с разоренным ульем заползали муравьи-тарукува, собиравшие накапавший на землю мёд и упавших личинок. Отоспавшийся после удачной охоты на пчёл, ягуапе выбрался на прогулку по своим владениям, и услышал самое, наверное, приятное для него благоухание. Невдалеке от его логова прошла самка, у которой течка. Возбужденный этим ароматом самец бросился на этот манящий ориентир. Но «парфюм» самки перебил еще один запах – едкое зловоние мочи соперника, пробравшегося на чужую территорию, будучи привлеченным пахучестью готовой к спариванию самки. Оба самца черного ягуапе сильные и агрессивные звери, не готовые так просто сдаться. И их соревнование так легко не закончится. Оба зверя сцепились в кровавой битве, вырывая пучки шерсти друг у друга, и кусая, и царапая один другого до крови. Но хозяин территории, на которую проник неприятель, всё-таки оказался сильнее и с более острыми клыками и когтями. Он сильно повредил сопернику переднюю лапу и это скорей всего приведёт к тому, что соперник не сможет успешно охотиться и наверняка погибнет от голода, а возможно умрёт ещё раньше от заражения крови. Но нашего самца черного ягуапе это не волнует, он как победитель занялся любовью с прекрасной дамой. Вскоре у "прекрасной дамы" родится три крепких детёныша, о которых наш "кавалер" заботиться не будет, полностью взвалив эту ношу на плечи партнёрши.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: The chapter Marvellous Forest - about Atlantic forest - is about this is region or about another? Yes, it's about this region. We could discuss more to decide how the bestiary will be. I think that I mentioned the protagonist being a descendant of the domestic cat. wovoka пишет: It is interesting! But unfortunanetly I know nothing about flora and fauna of these two regions, so propose your bestiary and I try to think how to evolve these creatures or about the forms of there simbiosis. Or give me some links (even in portugal language, I'll use google-translator) about biodiversity of these regions. Ok! I'll share some of the articles that I find about it. Perhaps you could start with this introduction about the "brejo de altitude" from Brazilian Wikipedia. Link:https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brejo_de_altitude I'll find more articles and send to you. wovoka пишет: May be you have propositions for someone else for this chapter? I need predatory bird hunting thick-billed caracaras. I think that the caracara could be preyed by the already existing illapa. Amazon is already the territory of this large bird of prey. Although, what do you think of a mob hunting species of hawk? They could be specialized in hunting larger birds this way, perhaps even young illapa.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: We could discuss more to decide how the bestiary will be. I think that I mentioned the protagonist being a descendant of the domestic cat. Do you want to expand the bestiary or do you want to discuss the plot of the chapter (the relationship between all species)? And if we make from Didelphis albiventris in this forest something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparassodonta ??? JOrnitho пишет: Ok! I'll share some of the articles that I find about it. Perhaps you could start with this introduction about the "brejo de altitude" from Brazilian Wikipedia. Link:https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brejo_de_altitude I'll find more articles and send to you. I've found the articles about the flora and snakes of this region: https://www.scielo.br/j/abb/a/qh47yFNgrsw4V6nkhgMgR4D/?format=pdf&lang=pt https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341093037_State_of_knowledge_and_conservation_of_the_snake_fauna_of_the_Brejos_de_Altitude_in_the_Pernambuco_Endemism_Center_Northeastern_Brazil Let us dedicate this article to the snakes! What do you think? In the article there are 63 species. We should choose the most interesting 5-7 species with ability to survive to neocene. After that we will choose the prey bird hunting on snakes and some rodents, small birds, lizards, amphibians for the snake food and some plants (one tree, 2-3 bushes, 2 species of grass). What do you think? JOrnitho пишет: Although, what do you think of a mob hunting species of hawk? They could be specialized in hunting larger birds this way, perhaps even young illapa. It can be Rupornis magnirostris. In carib language - Pinàwe. I also choose Deroptyus accipitrinus to eat fruits (anakapyja in carib or anakasira in Surinamese dialect of carib).

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Do you want to expand the bestiary or do you want to discuss the plot of the chapter (the relationship between all species)? I want to do a bit of both, to be honest. wovoka пишет: And if we make from Didelphis albiventris in this forest something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparassodonta ??? I don’t think that it would be plausible, there is placentals that would fill a predatory niche. However, a relative of the marten opossum could be an interesting animal to live here. Like that mangoose-like opossums that we discussed sometime ago. wovoka пишет: What do you think? In the article there are 63 species. We should choose the most interesting 5-7 species with ability to survive to neocene. After that we will choose the prey bird hunting on snakes and some rodents, small birds, lizards, amphibians for the snake food and some plants (one tree, 2-3 bushes, 2 species of grass). What do you think? Perfect! There is some genus of rodents that occur in these areas, Cerradomys is an example. wovoka пишет: It can be Rupornis magnirostris. In carib language - Pinàwe. What do you think of it also have an english name? Perhaps related with David and Goliath, because I thought that these hawks would be small but capable of bringing down very larger prey because of their numbers.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: I want to do a bit of both, to be honest. Ok, I will study the bestiary and give my suggestions. JOrnitho пишет: However, a relative of the marten opossum could be an interesting animal to live here. Like that mangoose-like opossums that we discussed sometime ago. Ok. But we can make him saber-toothed, because not every Sparassodonta was big: "Sparassodonts spanned a wide range of body sizes, from 2.2-pound (1 kg) weasel or civet-like forms to Thylacosmilus, which was the size of a leopard". JOrnitho пишет: Perfect! There is some genus of rodents that occur in these areas, Cerradomys is an example. We can use this article https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdfExtended/S0960-9822(16)30410-9 it is about North American competition of poisons between newts and snakes. This idea can be used in the plot of the chapter. Ok, let's share the responsibilities in working on the chapter, I am compiling a list of snakes, amphibians and plants, and you are the list of rodents, birds (small birds for food for snakes and predatory hunters (one big and one small) for them), and think for settle there mongoose or mongoose-like opossum or some other mammal snake hunter. Are there some fishes in that region? I found a list of Brazilian amphibians: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_amphibians_of_Brazil JOrnitho пишет: What do you think of it also have an english name? Perhaps related with David and Goliath, because I thought that these hawks would be small but capable of bringing down very larger prey because of their numbers. May be just Amazonian flock hawk? Also I wanted to make chapter about delta of river Orinoco with eiba in main role. And chapter about river Magdalena of Columbia with it's different Ciénagas. For example, Ciénaga Candelaria Rincon Avisperos.

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