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Chapter Ideas

Биолог: A collection of new chapter ideas proposed by foreign members in English. These are already present, thanks to JOrnitho: 1. Easter Island - bestiary 2. Fernando de Noronha - bestiary 3. Marvellous Forest - about Atlantic forest - bestiary 4. A Trip across Highland - about a trip of Andean antelope, bestiary 5. A War for the Hollow - about a "war" against killer bees in South America, bestiary 6. Andaman and Nicobar islands - bestiary 7. A Stone Condominimum - about a sociable hornero and its parasites and enemies, bestiary

Ответов - 138, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All

Биолог: Easter Island bestiary: False nandu Rapa Nui caracara White crested pigeon Owl harrier Kumara, giant banana, uhi, nga'atu - four plant species Rapa Nui rat Dwarf junglefowl Timid rail Heavy-billed parrot Rapa Nui thrush

Биолог: Fernando de Noronha bestiary: A hawk A heron Pin-tailed dove Koriko, a rodent Noronha rat Gatito Insular racket-tailed tyrant & Noronha cardinal

JOrnitho: I was thinking about a chapter happening in the Serra do Mar (click here) mountain range. However, I don't know if it would still exist in the Neocene.

Биолог: JOrnitho I think yes, it will still exist.

JOrnitho: After I made description of the Tamoio cat, I had an idea for the chapter in the Atlantic forest. It would follow the life of a Tamoio cat and the other fauna of the lowland Atlantic forest of Southeastern South America in the area that once was Rio de Janeiro. What do you think? It could mention what happened with Guanabara bay.

Биолог: JOrnitho Good idea! Do you have fauna for that?

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: Do you have fauna for that? Yes! Beyond the Tamoio cat, I was thinking that the Grey-headed marmoset (Neocallithrix griseocephalus), the Common sugar opossum (Nectarivora nectarivora), Blue-fronted macaw (Araguari cyanofrons), the Great Suindara (Tuidara magna) and the Great inamu (Noctotinamus solitarius). There could be other species too, perhaps these that could be large predators. Is there any in the Russian part of the forum that could appear? I also proposed some plants that could appear: the Atlantic cherry (Eugenia atlantica) and the Lowland jamelan (Neosygyzium esculentus)

Биолог: JOrnitho These are great ideas! Grey-headed marmoset (Neocallithrix griseocephalus), the Common sugar opossum (Nectarivora nectarivora), Blue-fronted macaw (Araguari cyanofrons), the Great Suindara (Tuidara magna) and the Great inamu (Noctotinamus solitarius) Great list! There could be other species too, perhaps these that could be large predators. Is there any in the Russian part of the forum that could appear? Atlantic forest seems to be not covered yet, so new species are OK here. I also proposed some plants that could appear: the Atlantic cherry (Eugenia atlantica) and the Lowland jamelan (Neosygyzium esculentus) Good! A chapter is almost full! (that is, once you describe those listed above)

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: that is, once you describe those listed abov I already described them. The plants are in the Plant topic and the animals are in the one about Fauna of South America. Also, I was thinking that this chapter could also show the struggle of the Tamoio cat in surviving in the shadow of a large terrestrial predator. Would be necessary to make the description of one or is there any species in the Russian part of project that could be used as the predator in the chapter?

Биолог: JOrnitho a large terrestrial predator. Would be necessary to make the description of one or is there any species in the Russian part of project that could be used as the predator in the chapter? Is illapa OK for that?

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: Is illapa OK for that? It works perfectly. Even if it already appeared in the chapter "Three Fates in Selva", the illapa could be a good predator for the chapter. Since it fills the niche of the harpy eagle, this could easily kill a Tamoio cat. And the chapter could mention how this bird is a population or subspecies of the Amazon one. Decades ago a population of harpies also lived in Rio de Janeiro.

Биолог: JOrnitho So this is the bestiary for Atlantic forest, the chapter "Marvellous Forest": Atlantic cherry and lowland jamelan Grey-headed marmoset Common sugar opossum Blue-fronted macaw Great Suindara Great inamu Tamoio cat Great false woodpecker Eyra Panapanas Southern night tapaculo Gold-fronted erythrophonia Rufous-bellied choca, or Rufous-bellied antshrike Crested singing falcon

JOrnitho: I had an idea for another possible chapter. This one would follow a young female of Andean antelope during her first migration to their calving grounds. It could show the animals and plants that they see on their path and the possible predators. Is there any already established animal that could be their predator in the Andean plateau?

Биолог: JOrnitho I believe there's no antelopes there. But what is an "andean antelope"? Do you mean a pudu? If so, it is a good idea! A pudu descendant could be large, the size of a wild boar or so.

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: I believe there's no antelopes there. But what is an "andean antelope"? Do you mean a pudu? If so, it is a good idea! A pudu descendant could be large, the size of a wild boar or so. Sometime ago I proposed an antelope-like descendant of the goat living in the Andes. The description is on the South America topic.

Биолог: JOrnitho Oh, sorry, I forgot that due to some nervousness about the war we have here. Yes, your idea is a good one! I can even propose a name for the chapter: "One Year in Highland". How is it?

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: forgot that due to some nervousness about the war we have here. No problem! I hope that everything is fine with and your family. Биолог пишет: I can even propose a name for the chapter: "One Year in Highland". How is it? I like that name! I have ideas for some other animals and plants, but we could use descriptions of fauna and flora of the Andean Plateau that were proposed by other people, but never appeared in a chapter. Also, there is any already described predator that could live in the plateau?

Биолог: JOrnitho we could use descriptions of fauna and flora of the Andean Plateau that were proposed by other people, but never appeared in a chapter I believe there ARE such species in the Bestiary. predator that could live in the plateau What kind of predator? A mammal or a bird?

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: I believe there ARE such species in the Bestiary. I'll give a look in the bestiary, but will need help with the Russian part. Биолог пишет: A mammal or a bird? A mammal. Like how the cougar was the top predator in the Andes during the Holocene. A large bird of prey could appear in the chapter too, but would not be the main predator of the antelopes.

Биолог: JOrnitho Now I see. I found one species of uktena - the king uktena (a canine predator, descendant of Guatemala coyote): http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/mammals.htm#vafercyon_regius_ru Also, the jaguape are present, but they are smaller (weasel) predators. By the way, there's an Andean deer there, a descendant of mazama: http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/mammals.htm#oromazama_andina_ru Another fauna would include the mountain suckermouth (a catfish), and the flora has the drying cryobromelia (both the fish and the plant are present in English part of Bestiary).

JOrnitho: Биолог The uktena could work perfectly as the predator that the Andean antelope is constantly evading during their migration, like how the Tibetan wolf is a top predator in tge Himalaya. Perhaps there could be a descendant of the cougar as another specialized predator for high altitudes. The jaguape, suckermouth and Andean deer could fit perfectly fit as animals that they see during migration. The cryobromelia is also a good plant for the chapter.

Биолог: JOrnitho Good, so I collect a list of the chapter's species. The chapter is One Year in Highland - about Andes: Andean antelope King uktena - Russian Andean jaguape Andean deer - Russian Andean raptor cat Rapacious parrot Andean mountain cock Mountain suckermouth Drying cryobromelia Red-billed bullfinch, Mountain redgem and Andean lesser groundowl Andean social cuy Great inverted skin mite Chinchillone-gordito

Биолог: Corrected a typo in the list above.

JOrnitho: I had more ideas about the story of the chapter of Fernando de Noronha. It could follow a year in the Archipelago, even showing how the great magnificent booby arrive here to form colonies to nest in the rock islets, sharing the place with the larger diving albatrosses that also breed here. Their colonies could be visited by a couple of griffon skuas that turned the Archipelago in their summer resting grounds.

Биолог: JOrnitho Good! But this way we'll end up with as many as four "year"-chapters Two are already present in the project, and two are proposed by you.

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: But this way we'll end up with as many as four "year"-chapters Two are already present in the project, and two are proposed by you. If it's too much, maybe we could split the chapter in two different ones? One being about the terrestrial species that live in the Archipelago, while the other is about the seabirds and other migratory species. The marine tegu could appear on this one too.

Биолог: JOrnitho I do not think it is worth splitting - the problem is with its structural composition, not overloading of species. If we could compose it in a way other than "year of", it would be just fine! Also, a biotope has a closely interconnected set of inhabitants (a biocenosis), so including both terrestrial animals and sea birds is OK.

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: I do not think it is worth splitting - the problem is with its structural composition, not overloading of species. Ah right. I thought that there was too much species. In this case it could follow the life cycle of some animals of the Archipelago, like how the chapter "Three Fates in Selva" did. For example, it could follow a gatito, a great magnificent booby, a long-legged hawk and a marine tegu.

Биолог: JOrnitho I thought that there was too much species. No, the project already has chapters with about 15 or even 20 species.

wovoka: Биолог пишет: or even 20 species. No, the maximum was 17 species.

Биолог: wovoka I meant I was not sure by saying "or even", which is like "around" or "about".

JOrnitho: I was thinking that maybe the jaguape shouldn't appear on the chapter about the Andes. It have a relationship with the bee-eater tanager and bees that could be explored in another chapter. This other chapter could show the fierce competition between these insects and birds for the three holes in the Amazon rainforest. It could also show the animals that evolved to eat bees and the cavity nesting birds that adapted to the pressure of the insects, such as using leaves of the repellent tobacco in their nest or building it in cliffs and rock crevices. A possible name for it could be "War for Tree Cavities".

Биолог: JOrnitho Another good idea! But the name would sound more interesting as "A War for the Burrow" or "A War for the Hollow".

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: I was thinking that maybe the jaguape shouldn't appear on the chapter about the Andes. It have a relationship with the bee-eater tanager and bees that could be explored in another chapter. This other chapter could show the fierce competition between these insects and birds for the three holes in the Amazon rainforest. It could also show the animals that evolved to eat bees and the cavity nesting birds that adapted to the pressure of the insects, such as using leaves of the repellent tobacco in their nest or building it in cliffs and rock crevices. A possible name for it could be "War for Tree Cavities". About jaguape I have already written a small fragment in Russian here This fragment was not included in the chapter about the Amazonian selva. I have moved this text here. You can use the online translator. Фрагмент главы об охоте на пчёл Невдалеке от зарослей лантаны поломики живет стая амазонских пчелоядных танагр. Это птицы длиной 22 см с размахом крыльев 24 см. Самцы ярко-голубые с чёрными первичными, вторичными и третичными маховыми перьями и хвостом. Самки серовато-голубые с тёмно-серыми крыльями и хвостом. Молодой самец громко поёт, чтобы привлечь молодую самочку. Он хочет найти судьбу всей своей жизни, которую он никогда не оставит и не предаст. Одна из самочек отозвалась на его зов, но и в данном случае появился соперник. После небольшой драки наш самец оказался побеждён и с позором улетел с поля боя. Создать новую пару суждено его сопернику. Этот соперник стал ухаживать за самкой, подарив ей пучок мха, будущий материал для строительства гнезда. После недолгих брачных трелей оба будущих родителя полетели собирать строительный материал для нового гнезда: пучки мха, корней и черешков листьев. Своё гнездо они спрятали среди густой эпифитной растительности в развилке дерева. Самка отложила 3 яйца белого цвета с узором из коричневых крапинок. 14 дней она будет высиживать яйца, пока самец будет её подкармливать. Потом после вылупления птенцов оба родителя в течении 20 дней будут совместно заботится о своих птенчиках. Повзрослев, птенцы сами создадут свои семьи и продолжат свой род. Амазонские пчелоядные танагры имеют союзника в добывании пищи – это толстоклювые каракары. Поэтому стаи этих двух видов птиц часто соседствуют. Попробуем поближе познакомиться с этими птицами. Самка этого вида крупнее самца: она вырастает до 56 см при размахе крыльев 78 см, тогда как его длина – до 50 см, а размах крыльев 71 см. У птиц обоих полов чёрное оперение с белыми перьями подхвостья. Их горло не голое, как у их предков, но область вокруг глаз лишена оперения, и здесь заметна их красная кожа. Ноги и пальцы сильные, жёлтого цвета. Клюв серого цвета, толстый и крепкий. Молодая пара толстоклювых каракар – самец и самка только образовали новую семью, и эту семью они создали на всю свою без малого тридцатилетнюю жизнь. Пока их семья состоит из одной пары, но со временем семья разовьётся в семейную группу, состоящую не только из родителей, но и старших детей, которые пробудут в семье до своего совершеннолетия, достигаемого в 4 года, и будут помогать родителям в выращивании и воспитании младших братьев и сестёр. Ну а пока молодая семья взялась за создание гнезда из веток и прутьев высоко на деревьях. Через какое-то время самка отложила 5 белых яиц. Оба родителя будут высиживать яйца в течении 30 дней. А еще через 33 дня птенцы полностью оперятся, научатся летать и станут помогать родителям с новым выводком. За несколько километров отсюда (у других лантановых зарослей) рядышком живут более крупные семьи амазонских пчелоядных танагр (14 птиц) и толстоклювых каракар (6 птиц). Одна из танагр нашла огромное пчелиное гнездо и запела на всю сельву призывную песню. На ее зов откликнулись не только ее сородичи, но и их соседи толстоклювые каракары. И, как оказалось, внедалеке отдыхал черный ягуапе. Услышав приятную его слуху песнь, он сладко потянулся и сломя голову помчался на птичий зов. Танагры и каракары только и ждали появления своего главного соратника по пчелиной охоте. Самец ягуапе залез на дерево и сунул лапу в дупло, когда он ее вытащил с нее начал стекать сладчайший мёд. Ягуапе облизал лапу и полез за добавкой. Тысячи пчёл вылетели из дупла и стали жалить ягуапе во все части тела, и в первую очередь в морду. Но тут-то и пригодились ягуапе его помощники: танагры и каракары, которые хватали и хватали сотни пчел. Ягуапе добрался до пчелиного расплода и с не меньшим удовольствием, с каким он поедал мёд, он стал поедать пчелиных личинок. Много личинок падало на землю, но танагры обожавшие это лакомство, стали ловить их на лету. Разорение крупного пчелиного гнезда продолжалось около 15 минут. За это время огромная пчелиная семья была почти полностью уничтожена, но, на удивление, пчелиная царица выжила и это даёт надежду на то, что пчелиная колония со временем возродится. За всей этой сценой наблюдала самка ильяпа, и когда она увидела, что молодая каракара отлетела от стаи, и села на ветку дерева, чтобы перекусить пойманной пчелой, в этот момент самка ильяпа подлетела к ней и как заправская киллерша убила птицу ударом в голову и отправилась к своему гнезду, чтобы накормить своих вечно голодных птенцов. Другие птицы, испугавшись хищника, разлетелись во все стороны, и лишь довольный от сытости ягуапе спокойно слез с дерева и отправился к своему логову, чтобы погрузиться в сладкий, как мёд, сон. А по земле под деревом с разоренным ульем заползали муравьи-тарукува, собиравшие накапавший на землю мёд и упавших личинок. Отоспавшийся после удачной охоты на пчёл, ягуапе выбрался на прогулку по своим владениям, и услышал самое, наверное, приятное для него благоухание. Невдалеке от его логова прошла самка, у которой течка. Возбужденный этим ароматом самец бросился на этот манящий ориентир. Но «парфюм» самки перебил еще один запах – едкое зловоние мочи соперника, пробравшегося на чужую территорию, будучи привлеченным пахучестью готовой к спариванию самки. Оба самца черного ягуапе сильные и агрессивные звери, не готовые так просто сдаться. И их соревнование так легко не закончится. Оба зверя сцепились в кровавой битве, вырывая пучки шерсти друг у друга, и кусая, и царапая один другого до крови. Но хозяин территории, на которую проник неприятель, всё-таки оказался сильнее и с более острыми клыками и когтями. Он сильно повредил сопернику переднюю лапу и это скорей всего приведёт к тому, что соперник не сможет успешно охотиться и наверняка погибнет от голода, а возможно умрёт ещё раньше от заражения крови. Но нашего самца черного ягуапе это не волнует, он как победитель занялся любовью с прекрасной дамой. Вскоре у "прекрасной дамы" родится три крепких детёныша, о которых наш "кавалер" заботиться не будет, полностью взвалив эту ношу на плечи партнёрши. Black jaguape Thick-billed caracara Amazonian bee-eater tanager Four-striped honey bee

Биолог: wovoka You can use the online translator. Like Deepl, which has a well-developed ANN.

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: "A War for the Hollow" Oh, I like this one! It describes perfectly the idea of several animals fighting over the tree hollows. wovoka пишет: About jaguape I have already written a small fragment in Russian here This fragment was not included in the chapter about the Amazonian selva. This is really good! Do you think that it could be used in this new chapter? The bees would be an important part on it, by entering in conflict with the birds for the hollowed trees.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: This is really good! Thank you! JOrnitho пишет: Do you think that it could be used in this new chapter? I hope so! JOrnitho пишет: The bees would be an important part on it, by entering in conflict with the birds for the hollowed trees. Good idea!

JOrnitho: Is there any already described animal that could appear on this chapter? Maybe in the Russian language. It would be interesting to show how some birds lost their nests to the bees.

Биолог: JOrnitho I proposed several Andean species and you accepted them to the chapter. Or you mean some special animal?

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: I proposed several Andean species and you accepted them to the chapter. Or you mean some special animal? I mean in the chapter about the War for the Hollow. There could be other animals to participate in this "war". By the way, I think that the Andean mountain-cock could appear in the chapter about the Andes, while the great false woodpecker could appear in the one about the Atlantic rainforest. I proposed these birds sometime ago.

Биолог: JOrnitho OK, I'll add those two to corresponding bestiaries and browse through the project's Bestiary for already existing animals for "War for the Hollow".

Биолог: JOrnitho, if speaking about the "War for the Hollow" you meant only birds, there's the wasp-eating woodpecker that can participate by hunting the bees. Other animals would include uktenas (non-Andean species) and probably a bat - the swift-winged whiskered bat.

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: JOrnitho, if speaking about the "War for the Hollow" you meant only birds, there's the wasp-eating woodpecker that can participate by hunting the bees. Other animals would include uktenas (non-Andean species) and probably a bat - the swift-winged whiskered bat. I like these species! The uktena can be a background species, perhaps hunting the Anhanga deer that I proposed some time ago? The bat could partially participate in the "war" because some could also use hollowed trees as resting place. The chapter could also show how some animals developed strategies to escape the "war" by making nests in other places, like the digger parrot (Ampliforpus) from the bestiary that make nests in cliffs. Is there any squirrel or marsupial that could also be part of it?

Биолог: JOrnitho Among mammals, we can also add the ant wolf (Microcyon insectophagus, only Russian description), although it is a specialized ant-eater, and the colash (Volaticocebus colash), a gliding primate. Also, there are panapanas - cotingid birds (by the way, one of them in Atlantic forest).

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: Among mammals, we can also add the ant wolf (Microcyon insectophagus, only Russian description), although it is a specialized ant-eater, and the colash (Volaticocebus colash), a gliding primate. The ant wolf can appear with the other terrestrial animals. The chapter could show how they are oblivious to the conflict happening in the canopy. I was thinking that there could be medium-sized descendants of the barbet that in the lack of tree holes can make nests by excavating cliffs. Биолог пишет: Also, there are panapanas - cotingid birds (by the way, one of them in Atlantic forest). Maybe they could appear in the Atlantic forest chapter. The War of the Hollows could have some psittacids, I was thinking to that there could be a species that learned to use the leaves of the tobacco in their nests.

Биолог: JOrnitho OK, I agree!

Биолог: Here's the bestiary for "A War for the Hollow": Swift-winged whiskered bat Wasp-eating woodpecker Uktena species Ant wolf - Russian Colash - Russian Anhanga deer Manduri Rainbow bald toucan Four-striped honey bee Great inverted skin mite Bee-eater tanager

JOrnitho: I decided to organize the ideas for what could happen in the chapters: 1. Easter Island: It could follow a young male of false-nandu that recently established his own territory and is now preparing for the courtship. While showing its failure and eventual success, the other species of the island would appear. 2. Fernando de Noronha: It could follow the life of the animals in the Archipelago, including the species that arrive here to nest. It could also show migratory birds that stop here (for example, the griffon skua). Some fishes could also appear. 3. Atlantic forest: It could follow the life of the Tamoio cat in the lowland Atlantic forests in what once was the state of Rio de Janeiro. It could show the feline learning how to hunt and avoiding predators, like the eyra. 4. One Year in Highland: A pregnant young female of Andean antelope is doing her first migration through the Andean Plateau toward the safe birthing grounds. She travels with a large herd of other females, avoiding predators (uktenas and raptor cats). During this 300km long migration, other inhabitants of the Altiplano would appear. 5. A War for the Hollow: The conflict between killer bees and the other animals that need to use tree hollows to breed or rest. There could also be the conflict between the killer bees and manduri bees. While it happens, animals that developed ways to nest by digging holes in cliffs are oblivious to the conflict. In the forest floor, uktenas hunts Anhanga deers.

Биолог: JOrnitho 1. Easter Island: It could follow a young male of false-nandu that recently established his own territory and is now preparing for the courtship. While showing its failure and eventual success, the other species of the island would appear. Good! This is how quite a number of existing chapters are composed. 2. Fernando de Noronha: It could follow the life of the animals in the Archipelago, including the species that arrive here to nest. It could also show migratory birds that stop here (for example, the griffon skua). Some fishes could also appear. Also good. The migratory birds can be mentioned in the text, but not included in the local bestiary. 3. Atlantic forest: It could follow the life of the Tamoio cat in the lowland Atlantic forests in what once was the state of Rio de Janeiro. It could show the feline learning how to hunt and avoiding predators, like the eyra. Excellent! 4. One Year in Highland: A pregnant young female of Andean antelope is doing her first migration through the Andean Plateau toward the safe birthing grounds. She travels with a large herd of other females, avoiding predators (uktenas and raptor cats). During this 300km long migration, other inhabitants of the Altiplano would appear. Fantastic! We have "A Year of the Traveller Goose" chapter, but another one with similar title is OK. But can the animal have a gestation period long enough for a 300 km trip? The duration of gestation is not stated in your description of the antelope, and a whole year seems fairly too long (the longest is in elephants, 22 months, and in whales it is around one year - about 10 to 14 months). 5. A War for the Hollow: The conflict between killer bees and the other animals that need to use tree hollows to breed or rest. There could also be the conflict between the killer bees and manduri bees. While it happens, animals that developed ways to nest by digging holes in cliffs are oblivious to the conflict. In the forest floor, uktenas hunts Anhanga deers. Looks OK.

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: But can the animal have a gestation period long enough for a 300 km trip? The duration of gestation is not stated in your description of the antelope, and a whole year seems fairly too long Well, I was using as the inspiration for this migration the one made by the Tibetan antelope, who walk such distance during three months to give birth. Maybe rather than giving killometers, the chapter could say that their migration lasts for four months.

Биолог: JOrnitho Yes, several months is OK, and this requires to change the chapter's title. What about "A Trip across Highland"?

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: What about "A Trip across Highland"? I like that!

Биолог: JOrnitho OK, I've already changed it everywhere.

JOrnitho: I was thinking that the striped bee, thick-billed caracara, jaguape, manduri bee and bee-eater tanager could be added in the chapter. The jaguape, caracara and bee-eater tanagers are predators of bees that could be hunting the insect. I'm making more two birds that could also appear, one will use the leaves of tobacco to repel insects.

Биолог: JOrnitho OK, good ideas. I will add those you mentioned to the chapter's bestiary.

JOrnitho: I had three other ideas for chapters. One is about the life in a large coastal lagoon and the surrounding restinga in Southeastern South America. The second is about the gallery forests of South America and the endemic fauna that live here when compared to the nearby savannas. The thrid idea is about the migration of birds from North America that need to cross the Atlantic to reach South America. This chapter could be called "The Atlantic Flyway".

Биолог: JOrnitho All of these ideas, although sounding good, will become a near-copy of already existing chapters. We have a chapter about mangrove coastal forests and an idea about dendronaias thickets in ocean (like your lagoon), then "A Year of the Traveller Goose" (I mentioned it before) and an idea about bird migrations between Americas. South American forests are also covered. Oh, by the way, some time ago I proposed an idea about social cockroach - the pallaysu - in South American forests, with several commensal and parasitic species in their nests.

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: All of these ideas, although sounding good, will become a near-copy of already existing chapters. We have a chapter about mangrove coastal forests and an idea about dendronaias thickets in ocean (like your lagoon), then "A Year of the Traveller Goose" (I mentioned it before) and an idea about bird migrations between Americas. South American forests are also covered. Oh, by the way, some time ago I proposed an idea about social cockroach - the pallaysu - in South American forests, with several commensal and parasitic species in their nests. Oh, ok! I like the idea of the cockroach. Do you have any idea for the commensal and parasites?

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: an idea about bird migrations between Americas. Is there a chapter about it already being planned?

Биолог: JOrnitho Do you have any idea for the commensal and parasites? Cockroach idea is here: A City Under Bark It includes an ant, a mite, an opossum and a harvester (longleg), but is not full. Needs other species. Is there a chapter about it already being planned? Yes, here: A Flower-Paved Road It is about migration of a hummingbird, includes mammals, reptiles, birds, a tobacco plant, and invertebrates.

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: Cockroach idea is here: A City Under Bark It includes an ant, a mite, an opossum and a harvester (longleg), but is not full. Needs other species. Do you think that the Jurumi could appear? It's the arboreal anteater-like armadilo that I proposed sometime ago. It can feed in the ground too.

Биолог: JOrnitho Yes, thank you! I include it in the bestiary.

JOrnitho: Биолог I think that the Rapa Nui thrush, Heavy-billed parrot, the timid rail, dwarf junglefowl and the Rapa Nui rat could appear in the chapter about Easter Island. I proposed them sometime ago and their description is in the topic about Fauna of Pacific Islands.

Биолог: JOrnitho OK, I add them there. This will make 9 species of vertebrate animals and 4 species of plants. Quite a full chapter for a rather small island.

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: OK, I add them there. This will make 9 species of vertebrate animals and 4 species of plants. Quite a full chapter for a rather small island. I see. Maybe we can remove one of the vertebrates? The dwarf junglefowl could be removed and I use this species to live somewhere else. In this case, I would edit the description to have the bird living in other islands.

Биолог: JOrnitho You do not have to remove or edit anything. I said it was quite full, not overfilled or overloaded Feel the difference of words

JOrnitho: Биолог пишет: You do not have to remove or edit anything. I said it was quite full, not overfilled or overloaded Feel the difference of words Oh, ok. I thought that you meant that the island was too full of animals for it size. Hahahaha

JOrnitho: I was thinking that the title of the chapter about the Atlantic forests could "Marvelous Forest" or "Marvelous Land". It would be an reference to how Rio de Janeiro is called "Cidade Maravilhosa" (Marvelous City).

Биолог: JOrnitho OK, good name.

Биолог: And here's the bestiary for the Andaman and Nicobar: Emperor junglefowl Dwarf chital Strong-jawed dog Andaman flying squirrel Indian hawk-eagle Katchall flying squirrel Striped coconut rat

Биолог: And one more chapter is started - A Stone Condominimum, about sociable hornero and its parasites and commensals: White-throated obrero Dwarf kestrel Godelo Boiuna Scabioid chewing-louse Southern guandira, or Southern dwarf leaf-nosed bat Jurupari

JOrnitho: I was thinking if we could start talking about the chapter about Easter Island. I think that it already had enough species.

Биолог: JOrnitho Quite so, but I am pretty busy currently, so I temporarily cannot take part actively. Sorry, JOrnitho.

лягушка: JOrnitho I want to write chapter about Andaman Islands using your idea, but there are emperor junglefowl in it. This bird dwells in Nicobaras, other archipelago that is away from Andaman in about 150 km. So, l can't use it in chapter. Do you agree?

Биолог: лягушка I would notice that dryland bridges could exist there during pre-neocene cataclysms. Later, the bridges disappeared, but the fauna is of common origin and thus quite related. This is how JOrnitho thought the events could have developed by neocene, and that's why he inluded all islands as a whole archipelago there.

медведь: Биолог JOrnitho I would notice that dryland bridges could exist there during pre-neocene cataclysms. As Биолог said, I thought that some dryland bridges could have formed between these islands. The glaciation in the transition between Quaternary and Neocene could have allowed it to happen. Did it happen in the Pleistocene? They are pretty far from the mainland. Could you show me a map of the seafloor there?

JOrnitho: лягушка As Биолог said, I thought that some dryland bridges could have formed between these islands. The glaciation in the transition between Quaternary and Neocene could have allowed it to happen.

лягушка: Bridges in time of glaciation or in true neocene (25 my)? Bear There one big shelf " tentacle" of the continent in bottom of Indian Ocean, but it's quite deep, so it didn't turned to peninsula in Pleistocene.

Биолог: лягушка Bridges in time of glaciation or in true neocene (25 my)? During pre-neocene cataclysms that occurred after holocene and resulted in human extinction. These also resulted in the Antilean bridge in the Caribbean, connecting to Cuba. Neocene does use such temporary bridges.

медведь: лягушка There one big shelf " tentacle" of the continent in bottom of Indian Ocean, but it's quite deep, so it didn't turned to peninsula in Pleistocene. Then I am not sure if this could happen in the Neocene either.

лягушка: It can be, but it was 20my before neocene,so fauna diverged and become different.

лягушка: It's floodmap, -250 m of sea level. I think that is enough. So, we can see that Nicobar, Andaman and continent aren't connected.

медведь: Then I think it will be populated only by those organisms that can cross that strait, whatever narrow it would be.

лягушка: ...And also with birds (they can fly) and animals that was moved to isles by humans.

медведь: Yes!

Биолог: лягушка Nice map, but does it really match the Author's idea of the cataclysms? According to this, the Antilean bridge could not exist, and the Cuban fauna we have is wrong.

лягушка: ...yes. But I thought that antillean bridge is a resiult of tectonic process - subduction pushed isles northbound and formed new volcanic isle rim, so land bridge begun to exist. In the south of continent Caribbean sea still exists, having islands of various sizes and separated from ocean by the chain of large islands. Some small islands known in human epoch had disappeared completely (for example, Florida Keys islands), and others united and turned larger due to volcanic activity and movement of small litospheric plates. Also in Caribbean sea new islands have appeared also. In addition, as a result of displacement of litospheric plate of North America, its narrow southern part, Central America, now is directed to waters of Caribbean sea, having made it even shallower Yeah, because of tectonics Caribbean became shallower and Antollean bridge became ableto form. It's -400meters. Strait is still exist, butit's weery narrow. Strait between Andaman and Nicobar is mauch wider. Cuba also remained island, but around it appeared a lot of narrov shallow straits and flat small islands.

JOrnitho: I had an idea for a chapter following the grat aglomeration of fruit bats in Central Africa to feed in the fruits here, like how the straw-coloured fruit bats (Eidolon helvum) do in the Holocene. Besides following the bats, the chapter could follow the local fauna and the predators of these flying mammals, such as birds of prey and the Olitiau.

лягушка: JOrnitho I like this idea. Bats are interesting animals!

JOrnitho: Does the project already have a species of megabat that could be the migratory one in this chapter? Or a new one should be made for it?

JOrnitho: My idea for the chapter about the migration of megabats in Africa: Title:Forest under the shadow of thousands wings Red-collared fruit bats from several regions of Africa start to congregate in a large flock at the marsh forests of Central Africa with the purpose of feeding in the banquet of fruits that will be disponible during the next three months. Their arrival attracts predators such as the olitiau. While the sky is take by these flying mammals, the ground of the forest is the realm of the owuo. Species featured: Red-collared fruit bat (Neoeidolon rubrocollaris), Olitiau or Great demon bat (Diablopteron olitiau), Owuo (Deinonandinia owuo) Which other animals do you think that could appear in this chapter? Besides the fruit bats, I think some species of monkeys could eat the fruits. Some birds of prey could also appear as local predators of these flying mammals.

лягушка: I think we need more species - not only bats. But I love this idea! Owuo Who is it? It's yоur species or someone from project's beastiary?

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: Who is it? It's yоur species or someone from project's beastiary? It's from the bestiary. The description is in Russian, but I found information about it in the Index. I thought that it could fit in the chapter.

wovoka: JOrnitho, let's make a list of chapters we decided to wright. 1. "Maracaibo: The lake that become a gulf" & 2. "Maracaibo: Catatumbo lightning". 3. "The howling microwolves". 4. "Migrating fish-eating bats of Caribbean sea". 5. "Thickets of predatory tomato". 6. "The Wild Orchard" (about land Zinj) 6. ""Stormy waters". (about Lake General Carrera). 7. "Salt lake Mar Chiquita". (we need good name for this chapter). 8. "Fagnano Lake" (we also need good name for this chapter). 9. "The monkeys friendship" (about South Panama) 10. "Common Home in the Land of Giant Pyramides" (about symbiosis of termites and ants in Brazilian Cerrado). 11. "The ant gardens in sacred city" - the bestiary in Russian here - https://sivatherium.borda.ru/?1-6-1685352794425-00000302-000-10001-0#038 12. I need your help with chapter about "Glowing Carlsbad Caverns": the idea http://sivatherium.borda.ru/?1-3-1685353572519-00000057-000-10001-0#015 , the bestiary http://sivatherium.borda.ru/?1-6-1597164034682-00000266-000-20-0#009 (but we need to make different bestiary). 13. And we wanted to do something on the base of this article https://sci-hub.ru/https://doi.org/10.1646/0006-3606(2002)034[0446:MABATA]2.0.CO;2 May be you also have ideas of the chapters that are still not included in the list?

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: May be you also have ideas of the chapters that are still not included in the list? I thought that we could have a chapter about the lowland forests of Southeastern Brazil (Mata Atlântica of Rio de Janeiro) and another could be about the humid relict forests (called brejos de altitude in Brazil) of Northeastern South America. These forests are surrounded by arid regions and full of endemic plants and animals.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: chapter about the lowland forests of Southeastern Brazil (Mata Atlântica of Rio de Janeiro) The chapter Marvellous Forest - about Atlantic forest - is about this is region or about another? JOrnitho пишет: I thought that we could have a chapter about the lowland forests of Southeastern Brazil (Mata Atlântica of Rio de Janeiro) and another could be about the humid relict forests (called brejos de altitude in Brazil) of Northeastern South America. These forests are surrounded by arid regions and full of endemic plants and animals. It is interesting! But unfortunanetly I know nothing about flora and fauna of these two regions, so propose your bestiary and I try to think how to evolve these creatures or about the forms of there simbiosis. Or give me some links (even in portugal language, I'll use google-translator) about biodiversity of these regions. And I also want to wright a chapter about Amazonian region using your animals: I'll call it "Black bee-hunter" or something like that. 1. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/enmammal.htm#manducomellifer_niger_en 2. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/enbirds.htm#apiphagus_caeruleus_en 3. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/enbirds.htm#crassirhynchus_apiphagus_en 4. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/enintert.htm#apis_tetrafasciata_en 5. http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/inverteb.htm#solenopsis_supai_ru - description in russian 6. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrciaria_dubia - and I will describe this plant (Call it Saitaperan the name of Myrciaria floribunda in carib language 7. Mob hunting hawks Rupornis magnirostris. In carib language - Pinàwe. 8. Deroptyus accipitrinus - anakapyja in carib [or anakasira in Surinamese dialect of carib. May be you have propositions for someone else for this chapter? I've already have a fragment in Russian, they were written for the chapter you have translated http://www.sivatherium.narod.ru/2inselva.htm but they wasn't included there. За несколько километров отсюда рядышком живут более крупные семьи амазонских пчелоядных танагр (14 птиц) и толстоклювых каракар (6 птиц). Одна из танагр нашла огромное пчелиное гнездо и запела на всю сельву призывную песню. На ее зов откликнулись не только ее сородичи, но и их соседи толстоклювые каракары. И, как оказалось, внедалеке отдыхал черный ягуапе. Услышав приятную его слуху песнь, он сладко потянулся и сломя голову помчался на птичий зов. Танагры и каракары только и ждали появления своего главного соратника по пчелиной охоте. Самец ягуапе залез на дерево и сунул лапу в дупло, когда он ее вытащил с нее начал стекать сладчайший мёд. Ягуапе облизал лапу и полез за добавкой. Тысячи пчёл вылетели из дупла и стали жалить ягуапе во все части тела, и в первую очередь в морду. Но тут-то и пригодились ягуапе его помощники: танагры и каракары, которые хватали и хватали сотни пчел. Ягуапе добрался до пчелиного расплода и с не меньшим удовольствием, с каким он поедал мёд, он стал поедать пчелиных личинок. Много личинок падало на землю, но танагры обожавшие это лакомство, стали ловить их на лету. Разорение крупного пчелиного гнезда продолжалось около 15 минут. За это время огромная пчелиная семья была почти полностью уничтожена, но, на удивление, пчелиная царица выжила и это даёт надежду на то, что пчелиная колония со временем возродится. За всей этой сценой наблюдала самка ильяпа, и когда она увидела, что молодая каракара отлетела от стаи, и села на ветку дерева, чтобы перекусить пойманной пчелой, в этот момент самка ильяпа подлетела к ней и как заправская киллерша убила птицу ударом в голову и отправилась к своему гнезду, чтобы накормить своих вечно голодных птенцов. Другие птицы, испугавшись хищника, разлетелись во все стороны, и лишь довольный от сытости ягуапе спокойно слез с дерева и отправился к своему логову, чтобы погрузиться в сладкий, как мёд, сон. А по земле под деревом с разоренным ульем заползали муравьи-тарукува, собиравшие накапавший на землю мёд и упавших личинок. Отоспавшийся после удачной охоты на пчёл, ягуапе выбрался на прогулку по своим владениям, и услышал самое, наверное, приятное для него благоухание. Невдалеке от его логова прошла самка, у которой течка. Возбужденный этим ароматом самец бросился на этот манящий ориентир. Но «парфюм» самки перебил еще один запах – едкое зловоние мочи соперника, пробравшегося на чужую территорию, будучи привлеченным пахучестью готовой к спариванию самки. Оба самца черного ягуапе сильные и агрессивные звери, не готовые так просто сдаться. И их соревнование так легко не закончится. Оба зверя сцепились в кровавой битве, вырывая пучки шерсти друг у друга, и кусая, и царапая один другого до крови. Но хозяин территории, на которую проник неприятель, всё-таки оказался сильнее и с более острыми клыками и когтями. Он сильно повредил сопернику переднюю лапу и это скорей всего приведёт к тому, что соперник не сможет успешно охотиться и наверняка погибнет от голода, а возможно умрёт ещё раньше от заражения крови. Но нашего самца черного ягуапе это не волнует, он как победитель занялся любовью с прекрасной дамой. Вскоре у "прекрасной дамы" родится три крепких детёныша, о которых наш "кавалер" заботиться не будет, полностью взвалив эту ношу на плечи партнёрши.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: The chapter Marvellous Forest - about Atlantic forest - is about this is region or about another? Yes, it's about this region. We could discuss more to decide how the bestiary will be. I think that I mentioned the protagonist being a descendant of the domestic cat. wovoka пишет: It is interesting! But unfortunanetly I know nothing about flora and fauna of these two regions, so propose your bestiary and I try to think how to evolve these creatures or about the forms of there simbiosis. Or give me some links (even in portugal language, I'll use google-translator) about biodiversity of these regions. Ok! I'll share some of the articles that I find about it. Perhaps you could start with this introduction about the "brejo de altitude" from Brazilian Wikipedia. Link:https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brejo_de_altitude I'll find more articles and send to you. wovoka пишет: May be you have propositions for someone else for this chapter? I need predatory bird hunting thick-billed caracaras. I think that the caracara could be preyed by the already existing illapa. Amazon is already the territory of this large bird of prey. Although, what do you think of a mob hunting species of hawk? They could be specialized in hunting larger birds this way, perhaps even young illapa.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: We could discuss more to decide how the bestiary will be. I think that I mentioned the protagonist being a descendant of the domestic cat. Do you want to expand the bestiary or do you want to discuss the plot of the chapter (the relationship between all species)? And if we make from Didelphis albiventris in this forest something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparassodonta ??? JOrnitho пишет: Ok! I'll share some of the articles that I find about it. Perhaps you could start with this introduction about the "brejo de altitude" from Brazilian Wikipedia. Link:https://pt.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brejo_de_altitude I'll find more articles and send to you. I've found the articles about the flora and snakes of this region: https://www.scielo.br/j/abb/a/qh47yFNgrsw4V6nkhgMgR4D/?format=pdf&lang=pt https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341093037_State_of_knowledge_and_conservation_of_the_snake_fauna_of_the_Brejos_de_Altitude_in_the_Pernambuco_Endemism_Center_Northeastern_Brazil Let us dedicate this article to the snakes! What do you think? In the article there are 63 species. We should choose the most interesting 5-7 species with ability to survive to neocene. After that we will choose the prey bird hunting on snakes and some rodents, small birds, lizards, amphibians for the snake food and some plants (one tree, 2-3 bushes, 2 species of grass). What do you think? JOrnitho пишет: Although, what do you think of a mob hunting species of hawk? They could be specialized in hunting larger birds this way, perhaps even young illapa. It can be Rupornis magnirostris. In carib language - Pinàwe. I also choose Deroptyus accipitrinus to eat fruits (anakapyja in carib or anakasira in Surinamese dialect of carib).

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Do you want to expand the bestiary or do you want to discuss the plot of the chapter (the relationship between all species)? I want to do a bit of both, to be honest. wovoka пишет: And if we make from Didelphis albiventris in this forest something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparassodonta ??? I don’t think that it would be plausible, there is placentals that would fill a predatory niche. However, a relative of the marten opossum could be an interesting animal to live here. Like that mangoose-like opossums that we discussed sometime ago. wovoka пишет: What do you think? In the article there are 63 species. We should choose the most interesting 5-7 species with ability to survive to neocene. After that we will choose the prey bird hunting on snakes and some rodents, small birds, lizards, amphibians for the snake food and some plants (one tree, 2-3 bushes, 2 species of grass). What do you think? Perfect! There is some genus of rodents that occur in these areas, Cerradomys is an example. wovoka пишет: It can be Rupornis magnirostris. In carib language - Pinàwe. What do you think of it also have an english name? Perhaps related with David and Goliath, because I thought that these hawks would be small but capable of bringing down very larger prey because of their numbers.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: I want to do a bit of both, to be honest. Ok, I will study the bestiary and give my suggestions. JOrnitho пишет: However, a relative of the marten opossum could be an interesting animal to live here. Like that mangoose-like opossums that we discussed sometime ago. Ok. But we can make him saber-toothed, because not every Sparassodonta was big: "Sparassodonts spanned a wide range of body sizes, from 2.2-pound (1 kg) weasel or civet-like forms to Thylacosmilus, which was the size of a leopard". JOrnitho пишет: Perfect! There is some genus of rodents that occur in these areas, Cerradomys is an example. We can use this article https://www.cell.com/current-biology/pdfExtended/S0960-9822(16)30410-9 it is about North American competition of poisons between newts and snakes. This idea can be used in the plot of the chapter. Ok, let's share the responsibilities in working on the chapter, I am compiling a list of snakes, amphibians and plants, and you are the list of rodents, birds (small birds for food for snakes and predatory hunters (one big and one small) for them), and think for settle there mongoose or mongoose-like opossum or some other mammal snake hunter. Are there some fishes in that region? I found a list of Brazilian amphibians: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_amphibians_of_Brazil JOrnitho пишет: What do you think of it also have an english name? Perhaps related with David and Goliath, because I thought that these hawks would be small but capable of bringing down very larger prey because of their numbers. May be just Amazonian flock hawk? Also I wanted to make chapter about delta of river Orinoco with eiba in main role. And chapter about river Magdalena of Columbia with it's different Ciénagas. For example, Ciénaga Candelaria Rincon Avisperos.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Ok. But we can make him saber-toothed, because not every Sparassodonta was big: "Sparassodonts spanned a wide range of body sizes, from 2.2-pound (1 kg) weasel or civet-like forms to Thylacosmilus, which was the size of a leopard". I like it! They could have the longest canines among the Neocenic South American Marsupials. wovoka пишет: Ok, let's share the responsibilities in working on the chapter, I am compiling a list of snakes, amphibians and plants, and you are the list of rodents, birds (small birds for food for snakes and predatory hunters (one big and one small) for them), and think for settle there mongoose or mongoose-like opossum or some other mammal snake hunter. Are there some fishes in that region? Ok! I think that we could have a species of mongoose-like opossum being found in these areas. Regarding the true mongoose,if any realy enter in South America, I thought that they could evolve to fill a niche similar to that of meerkats, forming familar groups. I found some articles about the mammalian fauna of "brejos de altitude" in different locations (they are in portuguese): https://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/ouricuri/article/view/6477/4118 http://revistacontinentes.com.br/index.php/continentes/article/view/287/231 I also found this one about fishes, also in portuguese: http://www.nossacasa.net/nossosriachos/posgraduacao/doc/5.pdf wovoka пишет: May be just Amazonian flock hawk? Also I wanted to make chapter about delta of river Orinoco with eiba in main role. And chapter about river Magdalena of Columbia with it's different Ciénagas. For example, Ciénaga Candelaria Rincon Avisperos. This name works. The Orinoco delta is an interesting place for a chapter.

wovoka: So I found the lists of amphibians, lizards, snakes of brejos de altitude now I'm choosing whom to take in chapter. From the list of mammals of brejos de altitude I would like to take: 1. Euphractus sexcinctus - make something like big armored boar 2 and 3. Digelphis marsupialis - to make sable-toothed marsupial hyena hunting on "armored boars" and mongoose-like opossum. 4. Callithrix jacchus - just make something interesting (will think later when finish bestiary) 5. Galea spixii - just make bigger like cabiai-pyinko 6. Akodon aff. cursor - also make bigger like "omnivourus jackal" 7. Oligoryzomys stramineus - make something like Pygeretmus 8. Rhipidomys mastacalis - make something like lemur. 9. Sylvilagus brasiliensis - or make semiaquatic (like Sylvilagus palustris) or make bigger like my lagozella Длинноухая калифорнийская лагозель (Lagozella aurita californica) Отряд: Зайцеобразные (Lagomorpha) Семейство: Заячьи (Leporidae) Место обитания: остров Калифорния. В неоценовой Евразии и Африке существуют крупные копытные потомки зайцеобразных, но отдельно в Крыму и Африке возникли также относительно крупные виды зайцев: большой крымский заяц и африканская сингура. Нечто подобное произошло и в Калифорнии. Лагозели длинноногие серые пугливые зверьки с маленькими черными хвостиками и огромными ушами-"антеннами". Это особый вид псевдокопытных зайцеобразных, возникший в ходе конвергентной эволюции, и не имеющий прямой родственной связи ни с одним видом копытных зайцеобразных Старого света. Прямыми предками этого животного являются чернохвостые калифорнийские зайцы. Хотя называть их копытными можно довольно условно, их лапы лишь очень отдаленно напоминают "копыта" зайцелоп, можно сказать, что процесс "копытообразования" только начался. Эти звери скорее напоминают небольших тонконогих газелей, но только вместо рогов у них длинные уши (до 17 см), т.е. на несколько сантиметров больше, чем у их заячьего предка, при этом чрезвычайно широкие, такие невероятно развитые ушные раковины одно из приспособлений для регулирования температуры тела в сухом и жарком климате: большая поверхность позволяет быстрее растрачивать излишнее количество тепла, при этом не происходит потовыделения, которое привело бы к потере драгоценной влаги. Лагозель имеет длинные мощные передние и задние лапы. Достигает в длину 70 см, вес составляет до 25 кг. Самки немного крупнее самцов. В целом же половой диморфизм не выражен. Длина хвоста составляет 15 см. Окрас шерсти верхней части тела серо-бурый, брюхо белёсого цвета. У лагозели на спине имеется чёрная полоса, хвост — чёрный. Лагозели более грациальные и более пугливые, чем зайцелопы. Питаются тем же, чем и обычные зайцы. Живут большими стадами в 20-30 особей, с самым сильным самцом во главе, каждая самка рожает двух, а иногда и трёх, детенышей. Уже через час они способны быстро бегать. К первому году жизни уже способны размножаться. Но слишком размножиться на острове лагозелям не дают каракарапторы. 50-60 процентов детенышей, а в иные года и больше, не доживают до половозрелости из-за этих хищных птиц. Живут лагозели не более 10 лет. Только самые крупные и выносливые самцы доживают лет до 15. 10. Myotis nigricans - just for future may be some tree snake will eat it. Just read and then I move the list to another section, dedicated to the animals of South America.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: 2 and 3. Digelphis marsupialis - to make sable-toothed marsupial hyena hunting on "armored boars" and mongoose-like opossum. I don’t think that it would be possible. While the "brejos de altitude" are centers of endemism, some placentals could still enter here. Felines could vey well colonize these areas. Perhaps a clouded leopard-sized cat, with sabertooth could live here as the largest predator. It could also live in the surrounding arid regions. wovoka пишет: 6. Akodon aff. cursor - also make bigger like "omnivourus jackal" I don’t think that it could reach the size of a jackal. Perhaps it could have the size of a muskrat? wovoka пишет: 8. Rhipidomys mastacalis - make something like lemur. With the Callithrix here, I don’t think that a lemur would be possible. However, they could be squirrel-like. wovoka пишет: 9. Sylvilagus brasiliensis - or make semiaquatic (like Sylvilagus palustris) or make bigger like my lagozella I like the idea of it getting bigger. It could be large herbivore of the region, rather than the Galea spixii, which could evolve into something else.

JOrnitho: wovoka We could also talk about a chapter for the Sociofurnarius albogularis, their "apartment" nests and the comunities that live around and use these nests.

лягушка: JOrnitho It is "Stone Condominium" chapter? I think social weaver-like birds are interesting idea! But I think that I can't help you - I'm very bad at birds.

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: It is "Stone Condominium" chapter? I think social weaver-like birds are interesting idea! But I think that I can't help you - I'm very bad at birds. Yes! Is this one. Well, I don’t know if they could fit in this chapter, but I still want to work in the new species of killifishes of the savannas of South America that I told you some time ago. Maybe you could help me with it.

лягушка: JOrnitho Maybe you could help me with it Yes I can!

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: Yes I can! What do you think if we use the killifishes in the chapter about the "apartment nests"? One of the birds living on it could be tiny kingfishers that feed on killifishes during the rainy season.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: What do you think if we use the killifishes in the chapter about the "apartment nests"? One of the birds living on it could be tiny kingfishers that feed on killifishes during the rainy season. I think it is interesting idea!

JOrnitho: wovoka  Sometime ago, I proposed a chapter called War for the Hollow. It would about about a "war" against killer bees in South America, how the cavity nesting species had evolved to face these insects. This is the discussion about the bestiary

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: Sometime ago, I proposed a chapter called War for the Hollow. It would about about a "war" against killer bees in South America, how the cavity nesting species had evolved to face these insects. This is the discussion about the bestiary In which part of the continent are you going to describe this "war"? Whithout this information I can't propose any ideas. By the way I has also an idea about the chapter of bees in Columbia. I think the chapter will include about five different species of bees, including your killer bees and may be maba if I will have time to finish the description.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: In which part of the continent are you going to describe this "war"? Whithout this information I can't propose any ideas. I was thinking about the region of transition between Cerrado and Amazon, in the semideciduous mesophyll forests (also called as "mata seca") of these regions. We could have some animals of savanna interacting with those of the rainforest.

wovoka: You mean here? Russian wiki shows such map. Mata seca in green colour. But it is written that this forests are destroyed by man by almost 70%. Do you think they will be restored to the Neocene?

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: You mean here? I mean the yellow on this map. The green on your image is the transition Cerrado-Caatinga-Atlantic Forest, where mata secas can also occur.

wovoka: I understand, I'll think about the ideas for the chapter and may be propose new animals for it.

wovoka: May be you should make some species of bee- hunting bat and little honey-hunting monkeys?

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: May be you should make some species of bee- hunting bat and little honey-hunting monkeys? These are interesting ideas, but bees are mostly diurnal. How the bats would hunt them? The monkeys could feed on the honey of stingless bees or they could apply leaves of bee repeling plants in their body and eat the honey of bees with sting. Their ancestors could be tamarins or tits.

wovoka: Bats can hunt in early morning. And there is genus of nocturnal bees in South America: Megalopta. But we should evolve them to more social way of life. JOrnitho пишет: Their ancestors could be tamarins or tits. Better titis Plecturocebus moloch or Pithecia pithecia JOrnitho пишет: The monkeys could feed on the honey of stingless bees or they could apply leaves of bee repeling plants in their body and eat the honey of bees with sting. Both variants.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Bats can hunt in early morning. And there is genus of nocturnal bees in South America: Megalopta. But we should evolve them to more social way of life. I like the idea of a nocturnal bee. They could polinate a flower that only opens during the night. wovoka пишет: Better titis Plecturocebus moloch or Pithecia pithecia I support the idea of the ancestor being the Plecturocebus moloch.

wovoka: https://wildexplained.com/do-bats-eat-bees/ Here I found information that africanized bees are "are crepuscular, meaning they forage during the night if the moon is present in the sky." But may be better make absolutely nocturnal social bees from Megalopta for neocene.

лягушка: wovoka absolutely nocturnal social bees I think this idea is realistic, because niche of diurnal pollinators is already full and has many concurence. So, some bees can escape from it to nocturnal niches. But what flowers they will pollinate? Dragonfruit-like cacti that open theit flowers only at night?

wovoka: лягушка пишет: But what flowers they will pollinate? Now nocturnal bees Megalopta pollinates Paullinia cupana, which blooms and at the day and at the night, and the scents of its flowers are different in the day and in the night to attract different pollinators (diurnal and nocturnal). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6080595/ Also they pollinating Spondias mombin ( it blooms in morning twilight). This is an interesting plant because is absolutely edible: fruits, leaves, roots, shoots, sap. Especially you can drink sap from the roots if you have no water nearby. I think, both plants will be good food for monkeys.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Now nocturnal bees Megalopta pollinates Paullinia cupana, which blooms and at the day and at the night, and the scents of its flowers are different in the day and in the night to attract different pollinators (diurnal and nocturnal). They could have evolved to have a stronger scent during the night, like the Cestrum nocturnum.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: They could have evolved to have a stronger scent during the night, like the Cestrum nocturnum. I think it's possible. лягушка пишет: Dragonfruit-like cacti that open theit flowers only at night? There is in Brazil nightblooming Dragonfruit (Hylocereus undatus or just Nightblooming cactus), but it's areal does not suit us. https://www.gbif.org/species/3084394 We can make social nocturnal Megalopta in Atlantic forest to pollinate in the night this cactus.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: We can make social nocturnal Megalopta in Atlantic forest to pollinate in the night this cactus. There could be another species living in the Atlantic forest. Also, Plecturocebus moloch already are colorful primates. How do you think that we could make their descendants' colors more impressive?

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: There could be another species living in the Atlantic forest. Another species of bees? Megalopta has a lot of species and they all are all nocturnal as I no. So yes, it will be another species of Megalopta in the Atlantic forest. But I should look for more information about of the descendents of both species of Megalopta: from mata secas and from Atlantic forest. JOrnitho пишет: How do you think that we could make their descendants' colors more impressive? I think, we should make it

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: I think, we should make it Yes! Maybe they could develop some sexual dimorphism, with males being more colorful. Maybe they attract the attention of predators while the dull colored females flee.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: Yes! Maybe they could develop some sexual dimorphism, with males being more colorful. Maybe they attract the attention of predators while the dull colored females flee. Good idea!

wovoka: JOrnitho, what do you think about the beginning https://sivatherium.borda.ru/?1-6-1687693434682-00000303-000-0-0#008 Sorry everything is in Russian. Will be grateful for the ideas for the chapter

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: JOrnitho, what do you think about the beginning https://sivatherium.borda.ru/?1-6-1687693434682-00000303-000-0-0#008 Sorry everything is in Russian. I like it! About your idea of a lemur-like mongoose, I think that you could make it more like the honey-mongoose from Neocene Madagascar. This animal could be more fruit eating and perhaps honey eating, while having a squirrel like appearance.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: I like it! About your idea of a lemur-like mongoose, I think that you could make it more like the honey-mongoose from Neocene Madagascar. This animal could be more fruit eating and perhaps honey eating, while having a squirrel like appearance. Honey-eating mongoose can be relative species. But he will be competitor of Black jaguape how can we share their econiches?

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Honey-eating mongoose can be relative species. But he will be competitor of Black jaguape how can we share their econiches? Good point. We can leave the mongoose as a fruit eater, perhaps even drinking nectar occasionally. It could also visit hives that the jaguape assaulted to see if they can find some honey left behind.

wovoka: JOrnitho, I'm tortured with your Gatito, look, which of the drawing do you like the most? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. And this is Noronha rat, which picture of rat is better? 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I numbered the pictures, so just name the numbers of pictures you most like.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: JOrnitho, I'm tortured with your Gatito, look, which of the drawing do you like the most? I think that the number 8 is the closest to what I thought that the gatito would be. For the rat, I think that the number 2 works. We can assume that the tail is hidden behind its body.

wovoka: JOrnitho, I was trying to make Rapa Nui rat. Which of the pictures depicts your idea at least a little (or can be corrected with Photoshop)? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Same picture but gave the rat some grains 20. Rat with baby rat. 21. Baby rats 22. 23. I numbered the pictures again, so just name the numbers of pictures you most like.

лягушка: wovoka Good images! But this "baby rats" are not baby - baby rays are very small and naked, not only smaller than adults. This rats are probably juvenile.

wovoka: лягушка пишет: juvenile Yes, I mean it, sorry for my English.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Which of the pictures depicts your idea at least a little (or can be corrected with Photoshop)? I think that the number 12 could be modified in Photoshop to match the reddish-brown color of the Rapa Nui rat.

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