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Chapter Ideas

Биолог: A collection of new chapter ideas proposed by foreign members in English. These are already present, thanks to JOrnitho: 1. Easter Island - bestiary 2. Fernando de Noronha - bestiary 3. Marvellous Forest - about Atlantic forest - bestiary 4. A Trip across Highland - about a trip of Andean antelope, bestiary 5. A War for the Hollow - about a "war" against killer bees in South America, bestiary 6. Andaman and Nicobar islands - bestiary 7. A Stone Condominimum - about a sociable hornero and its parasites and enemies, bestiary

Ответов - 138, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Ok. But we can make him saber-toothed, because not every Sparassodonta was big: "Sparassodonts spanned a wide range of body sizes, from 2.2-pound (1 kg) weasel or civet-like forms to Thylacosmilus, which was the size of a leopard". I like it! They could have the longest canines among the Neocenic South American Marsupials. wovoka пишет: Ok, let's share the responsibilities in working on the chapter, I am compiling a list of snakes, amphibians and plants, and you are the list of rodents, birds (small birds for food for snakes and predatory hunters (one big and one small) for them), and think for settle there mongoose or mongoose-like opossum or some other mammal snake hunter. Are there some fishes in that region? Ok! I think that we could have a species of mongoose-like opossum being found in these areas. Regarding the true mongoose,if any realy enter in South America, I thought that they could evolve to fill a niche similar to that of meerkats, forming familar groups. I found some articles about the mammalian fauna of "brejos de altitude" in different locations (they are in portuguese): https://www.revistas.uneb.br/index.php/ouricuri/article/view/6477/4118 http://revistacontinentes.com.br/index.php/continentes/article/view/287/231 I also found this one about fishes, also in portuguese: http://www.nossacasa.net/nossosriachos/posgraduacao/doc/5.pdf wovoka пишет: May be just Amazonian flock hawk? Also I wanted to make chapter about delta of river Orinoco with eiba in main role. And chapter about river Magdalena of Columbia with it's different Ciénagas. For example, Ciénaga Candelaria Rincon Avisperos. This name works. The Orinoco delta is an interesting place for a chapter.

wovoka: So I found the lists of amphibians, lizards, snakes of brejos de altitude now I'm choosing whom to take in chapter. From the list of mammals of brejos de altitude I would like to take: 1. Euphractus sexcinctus - make something like big armored boar 2 and 3. Digelphis marsupialis - to make sable-toothed marsupial hyena hunting on "armored boars" and mongoose-like opossum. 4. Callithrix jacchus - just make something interesting (will think later when finish bestiary) 5. Galea spixii - just make bigger like cabiai-pyinko 6. Akodon aff. cursor - also make bigger like "omnivourus jackal" 7. Oligoryzomys stramineus - make something like Pygeretmus 8. Rhipidomys mastacalis - make something like lemur. 9. Sylvilagus brasiliensis - or make semiaquatic (like Sylvilagus palustris) or make bigger like my lagozella Длинноухая калифорнийская лагозель (Lagozella aurita californica) Отряд: Зайцеобразные (Lagomorpha) Семейство: Заячьи (Leporidae) Место обитания: остров Калифорния. В неоценовой Евразии и Африке существуют крупные копытные потомки зайцеобразных, но отдельно в Крыму и Африке возникли также относительно крупные виды зайцев: большой крымский заяц и африканская сингура. Нечто подобное произошло и в Калифорнии. Лагозели длинноногие серые пугливые зверьки с маленькими черными хвостиками и огромными ушами-"антеннами". Это особый вид псевдокопытных зайцеобразных, возникший в ходе конвергентной эволюции, и не имеющий прямой родственной связи ни с одним видом копытных зайцеобразных Старого света. Прямыми предками этого животного являются чернохвостые калифорнийские зайцы. Хотя называть их копытными можно довольно условно, их лапы лишь очень отдаленно напоминают "копыта" зайцелоп, можно сказать, что процесс "копытообразования" только начался. Эти звери скорее напоминают небольших тонконогих газелей, но только вместо рогов у них длинные уши (до 17 см), т.е. на несколько сантиметров больше, чем у их заячьего предка, при этом чрезвычайно широкие, такие невероятно развитые ушные раковины одно из приспособлений для регулирования температуры тела в сухом и жарком климате: большая поверхность позволяет быстрее растрачивать излишнее количество тепла, при этом не происходит потовыделения, которое привело бы к потере драгоценной влаги. Лагозель имеет длинные мощные передние и задние лапы. Достигает в длину 70 см, вес составляет до 25 кг. Самки немного крупнее самцов. В целом же половой диморфизм не выражен. Длина хвоста составляет 15 см. Окрас шерсти верхней части тела серо-бурый, брюхо белёсого цвета. У лагозели на спине имеется чёрная полоса, хвост — чёрный. Лагозели более грациальные и более пугливые, чем зайцелопы. Питаются тем же, чем и обычные зайцы. Живут большими стадами в 20-30 особей, с самым сильным самцом во главе, каждая самка рожает двух, а иногда и трёх, детенышей. Уже через час они способны быстро бегать. К первому году жизни уже способны размножаться. Но слишком размножиться на острове лагозелям не дают каракарапторы. 50-60 процентов детенышей, а в иные года и больше, не доживают до половозрелости из-за этих хищных птиц. Живут лагозели не более 10 лет. Только самые крупные и выносливые самцы доживают лет до 15. 10. Myotis nigricans - just for future may be some tree snake will eat it. Just read and then I move the list to another section, dedicated to the animals of South America.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: 2 and 3. Digelphis marsupialis - to make sable-toothed marsupial hyena hunting on "armored boars" and mongoose-like opossum. I don’t think that it would be possible. While the "brejos de altitude" are centers of endemism, some placentals could still enter here. Felines could vey well colonize these areas. Perhaps a clouded leopard-sized cat, with sabertooth could live here as the largest predator. It could also live in the surrounding arid regions. wovoka пишет: 6. Akodon aff. cursor - also make bigger like "omnivourus jackal" I don’t think that it could reach the size of a jackal. Perhaps it could have the size of a muskrat? wovoka пишет: 8. Rhipidomys mastacalis - make something like lemur. With the Callithrix here, I don’t think that a lemur would be possible. However, they could be squirrel-like. wovoka пишет: 9. Sylvilagus brasiliensis - or make semiaquatic (like Sylvilagus palustris) or make bigger like my lagozella I like the idea of it getting bigger. It could be large herbivore of the region, rather than the Galea spixii, which could evolve into something else.

JOrnitho: wovoka We could also talk about a chapter for the Sociofurnarius albogularis, their "apartment" nests and the comunities that live around and use these nests.

лягушка: JOrnitho It is "Stone Condominium" chapter? I think social weaver-like birds are interesting idea! But I think that I can't help you - I'm very bad at birds.

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: It is "Stone Condominium" chapter? I think social weaver-like birds are interesting idea! But I think that I can't help you - I'm very bad at birds. Yes! Is this one. Well, I don’t know if they could fit in this chapter, but I still want to work in the new species of killifishes of the savannas of South America that I told you some time ago. Maybe you could help me with it.

лягушка: JOrnitho Maybe you could help me with it Yes I can!

JOrnitho: лягушка пишет: Yes I can! What do you think if we use the killifishes in the chapter about the "apartment nests"? One of the birds living on it could be tiny kingfishers that feed on killifishes during the rainy season.

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: What do you think if we use the killifishes in the chapter about the "apartment nests"? One of the birds living on it could be tiny kingfishers that feed on killifishes during the rainy season. I think it is interesting idea!

JOrnitho: wovoka  Sometime ago, I proposed a chapter called War for the Hollow. It would about about a "war" against killer bees in South America, how the cavity nesting species had evolved to face these insects. This is the discussion about the bestiary

wovoka: JOrnitho пишет: Sometime ago, I proposed a chapter called War for the Hollow. It would about about a "war" against killer bees in South America, how the cavity nesting species had evolved to face these insects. This is the discussion about the bestiary In which part of the continent are you going to describe this "war"? Whithout this information I can't propose any ideas. By the way I has also an idea about the chapter of bees in Columbia. I think the chapter will include about five different species of bees, including your killer bees and may be maba if I will have time to finish the description.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: In which part of the continent are you going to describe this "war"? Whithout this information I can't propose any ideas. I was thinking about the region of transition between Cerrado and Amazon, in the semideciduous mesophyll forests (also called as "mata seca") of these regions. We could have some animals of savanna interacting with those of the rainforest.

wovoka: You mean here? Russian wiki shows such map. Mata seca in green colour. But it is written that this forests are destroyed by man by almost 70%. Do you think they will be restored to the Neocene?

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: You mean here? I mean the yellow on this map. The green on your image is the transition Cerrado-Caatinga-Atlantic Forest, where mata secas can also occur.

wovoka: I understand, I'll think about the ideas for the chapter and may be propose new animals for it.

wovoka: May be you should make some species of bee- hunting bat and little honey-hunting monkeys?

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: May be you should make some species of bee- hunting bat and little honey-hunting monkeys? These are interesting ideas, but bees are mostly diurnal. How the bats would hunt them? The monkeys could feed on the honey of stingless bees or they could apply leaves of bee repeling plants in their body and eat the honey of bees with sting. Their ancestors could be tamarins or tits.

wovoka: Bats can hunt in early morning. And there is genus of nocturnal bees in South America: Megalopta. But we should evolve them to more social way of life. JOrnitho пишет: Their ancestors could be tamarins or tits. Better titis Plecturocebus moloch or Pithecia pithecia JOrnitho пишет: The monkeys could feed on the honey of stingless bees or they could apply leaves of bee repeling plants in their body and eat the honey of bees with sting. Both variants.

JOrnitho: wovoka пишет: Bats can hunt in early morning. And there is genus of nocturnal bees in South America: Megalopta. But we should evolve them to more social way of life. I like the idea of a nocturnal bee. They could polinate a flower that only opens during the night. wovoka пишет: Better titis Plecturocebus moloch or Pithecia pithecia I support the idea of the ancestor being the Plecturocebus moloch.

wovoka: https://wildexplained.com/do-bats-eat-bees/ Here I found information that africanized bees are "are crepuscular, meaning they forage during the night if the moon is present in the sky." But may be better make absolutely nocturnal social bees from Megalopta for neocene.

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